Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Spring is Over!

By Sunday morning we woke up to new snow on the ground. Our little pools of water in the front and back are frozen over. Caleb(who's new obsession is Charlie Brown) decided to go out in his Charlie Brown coat(who knows what makes it a Charlie Brown coat?) and catch snow flakes.


Gina said...

I like Charlie Brown too, Caleb. Remember the scene in "A Charlie Brown Christmas" where they're catching snowflakes on their tongues and Lucy says, "I never eat December snow, I always wait until January." Looks like you have plenty of January snow to eat.

Kari said...

So cute. Caleb, Caleb, Caleb-aren't you just adorable. Charlie Brown and all. Love the umbrella.

Martin and Taryn said...

Wow what weather! Is anyone getting sick over the extreme changes? And Oh, my, Caleb! I miss you in Primary!