Saturday, January 10, 2009

Moose in the Backyard

Yesterday we looked out back and saw some moose in the back of our yard. It was actually right outside our fence. It looked like a mama and some babies. This view is from Megan's upstairs window.

Curtis stood at the window dreaming of getting his bow out! But he said they were too small. It would only be a couple hundred pounds for our freezer. He'll wait for the big daddy!They ran out from behind our house and ran for the road. They caused a little traffic jam. I hope I never get used to seeing the wild animals; it is too amazing to find it normal!


The Roderick Family said...

hey-Chris wants you to do the water freezing trick in the day time!!

Emmy said...

WOW~ I have seen deer, but Moose. .that's so fun! My kids love your blog - thanks for posting fun winter stuff. They don't get that here in southern CA! Also, Mae requests the water trick during the day, too!!

RLJ said...

WOW what a great experiance you all are having. In spite of the cold, look at all the great stuff you get to experiance. the short days would make me sleepy all the time.

Robert Jackson

Gina said...

Very cool! I heard the mothers can be very protective and dangerous. What mother wouldn't be?!

Amanda said...

I miss seeing all the wildlife that we could in California. We always had deer around and some wild turkeys. Moose would be really cool.

Kari said...

I LOVE the David Archuleta song!!! Isn't it sooo great seeing them? I don't think you'll ever get used to way! They are just WAY to big and cool for that. It is so cool that you got to see 4 together. That isn't very common! See you soon!

Kari said...

I LOVE the David Archuleta song!!! Isn't it sooo great seeing them? I don't think you'll ever get used to way! They are just WAY to big and cool for that. It is so cool that you got to see 4 together. That isn't very common! See you soon!

Kari said...

I LOVE the David Archuleta song!!! Isn't it sooo great seeing them? I don't think you'll ever get used to way! They are just WAY to big and cool for that. It is so cool that you got to see 4 together. That isn't very common! See you soon!

Kari said...

Yes, I am a dork and apparently immpatient! I just thought it wasn't going through so I kept clicking on the button! Ooops! Well, I guess you get to read it 3 times now!

The Obstinant Family said...

Cindy that is just so CrAzY to see Moose on base. But at the same time it sounds AwEsOmE!

Johansen Family said...

How neat! I am not a big fan of the snow but with all of your cool pictures it makes me want to go to Alaska!