Saturday, January 17, 2009

Our Taste of Spring

It is cruel....Jacob really did think it was spring. But no, we still have at least 3 more months. And I am sorry to rub it in your faces, but the weather here has been absolutely beautiful. It will be hard to say goodbye to the warmth but the time is coming. But in our little "chinook" we have been at 55 degrees for a few days and have actually seen a little of what Alaska looks like under all of the snow. We now have a little lake in our driveway. When it ices over again, we will charge admission to get into our own private skating rink.

In the backyard(where the moose were) we have a little pond, I knew it was supposed to be there(it has been on all the maps) and now I get to see it. I worry what Caleb will do this summer when he realizes it is there. Not a good thing!Here are some of the mountains off in the distance, but still on base. And we were able to see what the trees looked like without frosty snow cover on them. I am sure it will be even more breathtaking in the summer...I can hardly wait!


Martin and Taryn said...

Wow! What beauty and weird weather, too. Wasn't it just about 30 below? We are around 45 so you got Missouri beat!

Hillary said...

I'm glad you guys got some warm weather for a few days, you deserve it after all those negative temps! This winter has been so crazy weather-wise. You are in the 50s and the northeast states are negative now. I really can't wait to see your pictures this summer.