Saturday, January 5, 2008

Jake's First Lost Tooth

Well, it finally happened. Jake FINALLY lost his first tooth. The last second grader at school to loose it. But if you notice in the picture, the new tooth is already growing in behind it. Looks like daddy is going to have to start saving for braces!!


Kev and Nan said...

Wow, too bad daddy wasn't there to pull it out. That exact same thing happened to my teeth except on the top. I definitely had to get braces for that.

Amanda said...

How exciting! George is dying to lose a tooth. Our tooth fairy has had quite the vacation around here.

Nick + Liz said...

This daddy doesn't like pulling teeth. Kathleen has had almost all of her baby teeth pulled by the dentist and has an appliance in her mouth preparing her for braces. She was refered to an othodontist in about 1st grade. We are trying to save for braces too. Good luck.