Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Snowboarding again

Curtis finally received the claim money from his stolen snowboard. He bought a new board and hit the slopes with a friend and some guys from work. He was so excited to finally go. Here are a few pictures that his friend took of him out there. I know Nick wanted to see some.


Nick + Liz said...

Nice air. Wish I was there to see it. We will have to go sometime... maybe you can teach this old dog.

Martin and Taryn said...

Whoa, is there anything you guys CAN'T do? lol Cake decorating, snowboarding, raising great kids...Wow!

The Mattesons said...

I know Rikk is jealous. He hasn't been in 6 years. Looks like Curtis had fun!

Jessica B Photography said...

Yahoo! I haven't been since before marriage! Ok scratch that I went last year when we went sledding. I brought my board, hiked up the hill, all for a 30 second ride. Gotta love the beauty of it all though.

RLJ said...

how cool are those ice sculptures! Wow!!!! what a great experiance you all were able to have