Monday, August 4, 2008

The Five

I was tagged with this little questionnairre so here goes.....

The Five
Ten years ago.....
1. I was not yet married, in fact I didn't even know Curtis.
2. I was working full time for the summer soon to start my second year at Ricks College.
3. I was enjoying single life....going out with friends, staying up too late, going to concerts, enjoying summer!
4. I planned on getting married after college and a mission, then having children around 30 years old!!
5. I was going to school to be a high school History teacher, boy, what was I thinking?
Five Things on today's "to do" list
1. get passport photos for the move
2. do laundry(I save it for one day then do it literally all day long!)
3. go to the UPS store to pick up the package since they can't find my house?!?!
4. make cinnamon rolls to take to the Veteran's Home for FHE
5. close my Tupperware party
Five snacks I enjoy....
1. good'n'plenties
2. yogurt with granola
3. chips with warm salsa
4. almond joys
5. ice water(I know it is not a snack, but I crave it lots!)
Five things I would do if I were a Millionaire....
1. travel to every country
2. buy my sisters' houses next to mine(but not in Missouri!!)
3. hire a maid(but she would have to change diapers)
4. build a dream home in the smoky mountains of Tennessee(with my sisters' next door)
5. invest
Five places I have lived.....
1. Knob Noster, Missouri
2. Japan
3. Little Rock, Arkansas
4. San Angelo, Texas
5. Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
I tag Kate and SueAnn.