Thursday, June 12, 2008

ER Trip

So on Monday the 9th of June, Cindy was preparing dinner for the family. She was placing a bowl of spagetti sauce on the counter. Her depth perception was a little off and missed the counter. The corel bowl dropped to the floor and shattered. Wait...I don't think corel is supposed to shatter. Anyway, because there was spagetti sauce we didn't just want to sweep it up. Cindy grabbed some paper towels while I grabbed the little dust pan with hand brush. Cindy was using a sweeping motion with her hand and paper towels to gather the mess of sauce and broken glass. A small shard of glass slipped under the paper towel and into her hand. I attempted to push the glass back out the way it went in. No such luck. The cut was tiny but we were concerned about the glass that was stuck in her hand. We asked our neighbors' son (13 yrs old) to come over and watch the kids so I could take Cindy to the ER. They could not do anything to remove it. They referred her to a hand surgeon and sent her home with antibiotics and pain killers.

We were supposed to contact the surgeon the next morning (Tuesday). When Cindy called the surgeon he was not in to work that day. They scheduled her for the next day (Wednesday) to come in and be seen. We went in Wednesday, and they scheduled surgery to remove the glass for later that day. We had to be at the hospital at 1:15 pm, and she went into sugery at 4:00 pm. Surgery was complete at around 4:40, and then they kept her for another hour to make sure that she recovered okay. They gave us the piece of glass in a pee cup. The piece of glass is about a half an inch long. That was the Brown's excitement for the last couple of days.


Nick + Liz said...

ouch! hope you are feeling better soon.

zopopee said...

what a nasty couple of days. sorry.

Gina said...

Maybe you'll get a break from cooking and cleaning for a while. :)

The Roderick Family said...

wow. that stinks, but I notice your hair is getting long again!

Amanda said...

You guys and the ER. At least it wasn't Bubba again. I'm with Gina, maybe you'll get a little break.

Amy said...

Cindy you POOR girl. Hope you're all better soon. Hope Curtis is a good cook.

The Obstinant Family said...

I was wondering what happened to you. I hope that you are feeling better. By the way I love your new haircut.

Blake & Lincoln said...

Not fun. Get feeling better. I like that you put it next to a quarter, how very forensic.

JRome said...

Wow! Does this mean, Curtis gets to do all the dishes :)