Saturday, February 12, 2011

Phew...What A Week!

Wow! What a week. When it rains, it pours(or snows)! Curtis is in Texas for firefighter training. So I was just me and a very full calendar. We've had three soccer games, ballet lessons, soccer practice, piano lessons, a dental appointment, an eye doctor appointment, 3 school finals for me, tae kwon do lessons and testing, scouts, and three parties. I am glad it is over so we can slow down a bit.

Nick tested for his green belt. He really enjoys tae kwon do. He has a natural ability.


Grammy said...

Way to go Nick! I hope Curtis comes home soon.

Gina said...

Wow, what a busy week! And what a beautiful picture of the sunset. Hope things are going well! It's neat to see Nick excel at tae kwon do.

Amanda said...

"Look" at the bright side. You didn't have to put contacts in or wear any glasses. LOL!

That does sound like a busy week. Its always nice to have a second set of hands. Hopefully Curtis will be home soon.

Way to go Nick!