Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Our first stop on our move to Lajes was a trip to Wisconsin. We were able to spend Thanksgiving with many of my family. The weather was beautiful, especially considering the cold we left in Alaska. The kids were able to spend some much needed time with their cousins. Here we were stopping in a Krispy Kreme. It was much needed after so long without good doughnuts!

No more snow!!

We visited a children's interactive museum while in Wisconsin. Everyone got to dress up and perform different jobs throughout the communities.

It is a tight squeeze under there.

Visiting the lake front.

Nick added some more adventure to our trip by discovering that he is highly allergic to hazelnuts. After a trip to the ER we can now add that to our list of allergies.

We helped cut down a HUGE tree in front of Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was a lot of work but also fun because it involved driving the four wheeler(all by theirselves!) We had a great time in Wisconsin, and I wish I had taken more pictures to document what we did. After a few weeks there we packed up our bags and headed off to Utah.