Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What Style!

And this is why Megan isn't allowed to pick out her own clothes yet.....or ever!


Anonymous said...

Oh just wait. It gets worse. I have a 12 year old that suprises me EVERYDAY on the way out of the door to school.

The Roderick Family said...

So, what with the huge bruise on her forehead?

Ryan 'n' Joy said...

my favorite part has got to be the socks with the sandals .... you would think she was from Utah or something..... and atleast she is being modest (I love the shirt under her dress?)

Cheri said...

Wow, Grace and Megan should start their own fashion line together. They would have a lock on the under 5 market!

Emmy said...

Man, those are cute cheeks! I love her outfit! I would wear mittens all the time, too, if I lived in Alaska! :)