Monday, October 18, 2010

Tae Kwon Do

Nick tested for belt advancement in Tae kwon do on the 16th of the month. He did really well. He is very good at tae kwon do, but is shy and not very vocal. First, he demonstrated his form by himself. Then he had to demonstrate one-steps with an opponent. This Saturday, the 23rd, is a tournament that he can enter. He is not sure that he wants to do it. He just doesn't know what to expect. We will try to convince him to try one out. Hopefully we will be adding that post in a week or so.

I couldn't upload the second video of the one-steps. Sorry.


Grammy said...

Way to go Nick. You look so confident and brave. What an accomplishment! Hope to see more of what you can do.

Gina said...

Very good, Nick! I don't know anything about Tae Kwon Do, but it looked great!